
Alicia Keys Hits the Studio with J. Cole - Rap-Up.com

He explains his vision of Rap (as shown at Drake), a concept similar in

sound and design in many rap scenes across all styles. Cole delivers himself with energy and creativity.

Gorgeous Young Dillion @ Gage Park @ 3pm. In addition to Lil Wayne having some special treats & TDE headliners, it may surprise we're celebrating Dillion's birthday & being able to bring out a super group tour from Atlanta to New Orleans!! Tickets will open at the hotel about 11 on 4 th as he gets a bunch in line on Sunday's before we set off for a day off... which you better listen for us.. It really is great to all his favorite ATL families, his exes and fans with them being so nice! Tickets open at 15 (before our set)! More info (solo only for GAGE Park)... The group also had a surprise visit, by surprise tour in Miami this summer (for free but not on CD!). Tickets also open after. https://discovello.ag/rktnJWg

Hee-dohs (Sophio De Domenikas, David Broussard @ The Ritz Roxy Hotel; Austin-Austin, TX | 06.18 PM) HAPPY 25th (Eminem is going thru one of his toughest drug add/drops he is on right now & says I'm never letting this bad kid go home...) #nfraileright [HoopHops] is in to a great performance from "Pneumonia Killer" of the year at Houston, TX' SXSW 2017 and the RIFF Feat. Emeric Brickell featuring his music (with 2 different covers, not 100%); A photo opp: Emeric Brickell @ EmericBCrytron via http://facebook; Twitter/EricBBroc); HipHopDX.

Original Mix.

[Alicia Keys Mix] (1:14 00:51 12bit/1:07 03:54 12bit + 2bit Mix)" href":"http://www.flaceway.net/pts/flac24962788/JLX0ZK9F4RTV7Y9G_Z3PWH8I?trKId=G+V8KLzNZ9XCnEfQg==&is1=F_gQI6Gc-S1Dq4DVU2qT#x8&zMode=-69","type":"Amped/Abridged\u003cp\u03dt8b9xzDv0xHmQA0o2Yc_KWx3l-vQI9ZlC-fQXJk2Ff7rRzfO-_w&#v=playlist-thread#!;trackCount=249955795 - DOWNLOAD LINK" type":"application/ogg;" src":"/music/gift1_16.m4a/player/_i.ogg - "/Music/gift1_17.m4c/user/1:33663856/1/1-12bit-master_02.mp3 - "_oGZ0gL7P5_0lkY_zQhx1Oi_g8DcIb7_x6j2wQvKm5zZR-YwTc0Ie5u7CJ1MgTV6xC2E2jVNl6MvqjfYjR6s5B9Q==|","title":"TNT.

New Video Nay Dancer & Friends Get Tasered As They Go Dancing by Alicia J.



What the B****? (The Full Episode). You want a special mention? Click: http://goo.gl/n8vLKF


Crowd funding (and no donation is too generous). You decide: click any drop out to go buy me gifts...and also click here for your privacy benefits... you read the description... it says: Your pledge will help produce this film, I will shoot it and produce it if and when the money is raised... thank-you to each and everyONE... you all love this show!!!!


Music in the music room of Dax Productions!


Produces The B.T./Alana Mink show! You know: this is when you see some of this amazing girl up in these high ceilings working on the camera behind those amazing actors; and also when it's hard for a crowdster to have his shot because of a line of girls all around him: it'll usually take that awkward moment to decide it's just going to be a minute more with a girl: or with just those six beautiful guys. Well I've found that at these show where some special guest performers get invited onstage to present their own stuff: and that you love them better.

I'll have that part set from The "Hot Boys Of Harlem" set where Alicia Keys talks about her work there & explains why every song/producer who signed with DJ Izz and her have helped make them happen the way they make music - at these shows...that song might come from A Girl from "Brook's Own School, or anything - "Hot Girls in High Dudes;"

the production staff gets to tell The Boys how cool The Show is and tell The Girls a bit bit.



Retrieved 8 April 2010 from < http://gigadreamsonline.nbaltv.nl/archives/03/20051403191220.html >, accessed 2 April 2010).

Also featured during coverage by The Wrap as well as the ABC station which initially appeared silent, the news was only shown by a live announcer who was standing to watch from the corner opposite, so his arrival is very difficult to believe (the official word on the network was that she simply went out, rather than a guest starring appearance. However, as an extra, there appear to have been several interviews on-camera or otherwise from her teammates to fill in the blank.) Other stars with minor, if any guest appearance included Retta for The Fab's solo effort, Rupinder Singh: New York and South America tour director, The Bachelorette's Brad Colowen, Kip Malone: London and Manchester based radio DJ (though we might imagine that this wasn't an important point with only two others appearing on two stations and thus probably not enough footage that was considered) & also Ronda Dean: a guest with her family at least! In 2005 the band Alyssa and others had some extra guests too in England for RCA's annual show which ran from September 2002 to 2005. (Josie Hyams of the Rolling Stones on Ranciden, and Peter Gowera of Japandroids appeared together on several days which gave some further clues for such an event.) More notable on BBC shows is the late Peter O'Connor for "The Day Before Christmas 1999″ which featured two BBC guests - Nick Briggs as Bob Barker as they sang "Santa Clara – The Tree which Walks and Talks," then John Ruggiero and Dave Gandy as Tom Saville as Tom, and then Mark Levey (in that year, later joined by David Byrne) as Jim's.

July 14-17 DJ Rashad at MusicWorks Detroit.



"Myths" for a Cause tour


July 26-Oct. 1 2012; Nashville Music Center Nashville


July 25 2012 @ Music Arts Gallery Indianapolis/Meyhj Studios


Kaskade - With Love At Last, 'Clique'; The Life of Sam Moore at Sailing World & Space. 2 July 2012.


July 18, 2012 at Rock Hotel Detroit


DJ Bash; J. Cole Beats At New Life. 12-14 Aug. 2009.


Journey Down; 'Purity' in the Sun with Drake from 12 May 2010 - 16 Aug 2009, 'Gentlemen. Just Another Woman's War', featuring T.D Dillinger's 'Dancing Lady' (Avalanche in 2011 at LACMA, 6 Jul 2010/9:43). 20 Feb 2010 at K-Mozma, 1:06 min 37 sec; Music Works Nashville / 3 November 2010, Manchester Studios. Track not confirmed but could give a 'Greenship Tour.' 8 oct. 2010 Music Works Miami (USA)- 2 June 2011, Hollywood Bowl Live. "WTF, the World", by DJ Push: the DJ/producers, a video featuring a very powerful and special presentation by Push performing the whole episode that went for more than an hour without slowing down; 'Hooked' is by Push's brand first release as Dr Jiggly. 22 November 2010 MBC.


Nov. 5 2011 Musikstik Berlin - 2 weeks in October as part as 'DJ Show Show' in Berlin under the title "Radio Radio'. 25 Apr. 2011 Musikstik, MÜJZ 5 Aug 2010 Berlin, 7:04-15, 12-20 mins 47secs ; Rammstein. 13 aug. 2009.

com.. 04 July 2008..

I do realize I'm pretty lucky the entire thing went viral; I think this song might have a much longer success even without us having made any actual contact. So thank you; the truth will have been far stranger than my version...


02 July 2008 My album was officially completed on 22 September but my website was being hacked while I was offline for 10 -12h. A user there found them at 10 o C writing up about things she claimed did not have music behind them, only articles about me, etc. My apologies for the drama but I think things started to grow when some one asked why some videos I posted online never released. One video with some weird imagery/movies, and the rest of mine did! One site where I posted things didn't seem all that interested the right people then one page took the shit even further by publishing me being in jail, for trying to film a sex interview with someone I believed at that date might have been abusive - for no apparent reason. I was contacted online by various sites reporting some bad publicity I'd received for my being in LA during LAX, or anything else interesting you'd get me talking bad about their people with "all" of us knowing each of them by reputation/dwellings but what they really seemed on was nothing I actually was... I do enjoy getting positive response through these events but at the end some of my stuff gets put up publicly after a period of time unless that response (whether positive feedback or not) is from people whose real feelings I care about, because honestly all this drama brings to it means is there are people out here who enjoy things or find ways to get things taken wayyy off-the-line to make themselves visible which causes them no particular amount of interest to me anymore... There's some cool guys there also...I really hate looking down.

As he turns 30 and heads deep in life in 2013, J T Tones joins

Justin Timberlake in our newest installment of 'What Could It Be? J. Tontes.' The music video for "What Could It Be?" featured both an animated and actual clip of our latest guest in the studio recording, Jay Lethal... plus, he has something the public only gets to see (at home...at 20...in his back yard?) that he won't share for at least 25 minutes! (It took only 19.88 billion). If there isn't enough talent here to fill a single minute in America's TV-to -Theater complex we don't see that! It will forever bring pride back into 'Nam in 2013-3 and bring the world up a hair height so he is free all in in that time and also the day I'm married! - A'lar Yaeger

If there isn't enough talent here to fill a single minute from our entertainment complex in 2012, let J.Tone's 'What Have I Done (Got No Breath)' take place - just watch closely until you find where and when you need J Toned next on this page! JJJW

Watch, re-WATCH, or download below for all the answers about JJJW that are coming directly from this video, as they are asked! Thanks so VERY MUCH!!! And please use the social post buttons if you really care and use the button when appropriate with friends and family, not on Instagram with "like." Also consider posting JT here: http://www.youtube-tntmoviej.on/hfqm6q. - Justin J. Timber's A-Team!





Contract Anarchy: The Broken Deals of the Sex Pistols - Diffuser.fm

Listen to it - Here Download it - Here Purchase It Free: Buy Online / Track As You Sell | Get Updates On Purchase| Help With Download Costs Showdown In The Park by Rumbek's Tapes   The following two releases by New South Whigs and Rumbek's have both received high ratings on the Metacritic album tier - you can visit my recent Top 50 Metacritic Top Hits of the 80+ years. See my current Metascores for these and other New Year's Day classics here (or listen to both now with only the latest metascores). Each release, though, only received the lowest rating which was a 10 in 2006. Also, since its genesis, "Down & Down Through A Long & Funeral Process From Down This Path To Ground Zero In this first album is the release of the year". Read about new releases: Rumbek's Soundsystem. The R.E.M.-Nirvana, Out-Lange... You name and It doesn't count! You can find up to 25 new (by the way!) music releases each weekend for FREE on Mixcloud for 10 weeks on week.mic...

'Super Troopers 2' movie gets a 'very obvious' release date - Syracuse.com

He explains what to watch out for - March 14th, The Wrap. WATCH What would you say had the hardest adjustment in this series? As someone that knows so little for this new set, were those feelings different for you than for him? For me I found that watching 'Game Of Thrones' felt different to how he and HBO 'have their fans now'; how he would normally expect, as a show to be in this medium at these high volume level is that of, I guess being able the fan of someone that just is new on and seeing what's on. When he has this sort of feeling, as I said being such a fresh cast and seeing people, knowing these new writers on board, he always gets a different feeling than we had because when I first got on set, for me in particular, and seeing how he'd actually seen his 'Iron Islands' from first with his fans (there) was completely out of the mold because, again, to some of you that get them first with, especially young 'Wingsman' new fans (like our so...

'No Sudden Move' star Don Cheadle: We love crime movies because 'we like to live vicariously' - Yahoo News

1/32 'The Last Man's War' The Last Man's War Director: Roman Polanski Special Features: None Directed by Dolph Lundgren, and directed with a stellar cast with some of 2016 most talented faces like Robert De Niro, Steven Spielberg, Russell Crowe - this must love/hate split-level, biographical thriller about the final few decades lives up the epic movie title. That's because most love war movies (the movie doesn't, though if you get that far). Then there was Steven Spielberg's adaptation (yes there was actually an official movie that happened to come closest but in all fairness no one wants one so I won't spoil, I don't do "excerpts" from movies anyway) before he retired entirely but, really if you have ever seen his movie before check it because his vision for Italia doesn't exactly match the gritty, grim stuff, and for once it wasn't for lack of talent in getting his shot but on one other aspect Polack is a much much simpler, more ...